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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Disney and more header : No longer twice the same !

Hello everyone. I've finally succeeded to do something that i wanted to introduce on Disney and more since a long time: to have a random image rotation for the header. It's easy to do on a web site structure but not at all on Blogger - that's why you can see it very often on web sites but rarely on Blogger blogs.

All the difficulty was to find a java script code which works with the Blogger structure, and i've found it finally...only to realize that something went wrong somewhere as it didn't worked when i introduced it in the html code of Disney and more! Three more hours to find what was missing in the code, and that was it!

So, from now, each time you'll arrive on Disney and more front page the header image will be a different one! All images are of course related with Disney and i've created 73 different images! As you can see, the header is also more wide - almost a "cinemascope" format - and the images are a mix of beautiful view of the parks or attractions, artwork and historical pictures...and i tried to don't choose the worst! The "Disney and more" title is always written on each header image but you'll note that sometime it will be placed on the right side when it fit better with the image. Color of the title may also change depending of each image.

You can test the different images simply by reloading the page, or even more simply by pushing on the F5 key. I hope you'll enjoy this new little improvement, let me know if you like it in the comments!