Saturday, October 31, 2009
Disneyland Paris 2009 Halloween Party - Updated with videos of the Halloween show !
It was the big Halloween party tonight at Disneyland Paris, and Disney and more was there! I know, the party is just beginning in the U.S as right now it's 6pm in California but in France it's 3a.m and we're already November 1st!
Great "Halloween" lighting at the entrance of the park and in Main street. As you will see on the pictures below, the park had a LOT of guests.
What is really great with these DLP Halloween party is that more and more people are coming disguised and as you will see below some of these Halloween costumes are really sophisticated. Are you on the pictures? Let us know in the comments!
Here are two videos of the very good Halloween show on Central Plaza last night. The first one from MisterFabian is in high-def and show only the second half of the show...
...and this next one from yohan92 is in lower resolution but show the whole show.
Thanks to all of you who were kind enough to stop for the pictures and sorry for some pictures not perfectly sharp!
See you monday for more pictures of the Halloween decor inside the park!
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All pictures: copyright Disney and more