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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Editor's Note: I strongly suggest you to read Kevin Yee's review of the new Wizarding world of Harry Potter at IOA.

Kevin is a pretty objective guy and when he says that "The Potter land and its exciting new ride Forbidden Journey is a revelation....it’s not an exaggeration to point out how astonishingly innovative this ride is, how amazingly immersive the entire experience aspires to be, and how complete the illusion is when you’re in the Wizarding World. Frankly, it’s ridiculous how good this new land and this new ride are. I’m going to go out on a limb here—not everyone will agree with me—and suggest that this is presently the best ride/theme/experience combination available in Orlando. You heard me. There’s nothing better in Orlando..." well, you know that WWOHP must be really something as Kevin is not saying this kind of thing very often...

Don't miss it, it's HERE